Monday, September 30, 2013

Ted Wiltbank

Ted Wiltbank
Added to this blog by Kathy Castleton

Ted Wiltbank had the reputation of being a very slow man. He also had the reputation of being the richest of the Wiltbank family. He always carried a .32 pistol under his belt inside of his shirt, plus a six shooter at this hip and a rifle. He had sheep and cattle and had the brand which is T/E. An example of his slowness was when one day someone asked him what he was doing. He said he was "damn busy waiting for the mail to come in.

 His home was later occupied by the Earl Hale family and is on Lot 2 of Block 82 of the Eagar Townsite.

Uncle Ted married the same woman three times. Her name was Sarah Adelaide Merrill (Addie). She is much younger than him. The matter of their divorce went into the Arizona Appeals Court at one time. For legal scholars, that case is cited as Wiltbank v. Wiltbank,_(1917) 18 Ariz. 435, 162 p. 60

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