Wednesday, February 9, 2011

May Madora Plumb Hancock and Levi Hancock's Life

May Madora Plumb Hancock and Levi Hancock's Life
History Prepared by Geneva Julia Plumb Wiltbank
(Submitted to this blog by Kathryn Burton Castleton)
Levi and May (Plumb) Hancock lived on the Gila Valley on a farm.  They did farming, cattle raising, milking cheese making, sold milk, eggs and milk products to the Hot Springs every morning.  Did very well at it.

At this time, they had four girls, Dora, Hazel, Ethel and Eveline.  They made a trip back to Taylor where Joseph Levi was born.

They moved to Eden where two more girls were born Ruby and Lillian.  They still lived on the farm, farming, milking etc.
Levi' served in the bishopric for some time.  He often went to conference in Thatcher Arizona.  One time, he and his wife May, daughters Ethel and Eva and son Joseph went to conference in a one horse buggy.  They left Dora and Hazel at home to do the chores.

While they were on their journey a terrific hail storm overtook them and the horse could not face it.  So Levi got out on the horse to make him go.  He lost his hat and ruined his new suit.  The storm kept coming.  When they would cross a wash the water was so deep it would come in the bottom of the buggy.  Finally, they made it to a neighbor's house where they stayed all night.  The next morning, the storm was over and they continued the journey homeward.  To their surprise they found it had rained at the ranch but all was well.

Again, they moved to Taylor when John Andrew was born.  Now Levi's health being much better at Taylor they returned to Eden and sold out.  They came back to Taylor and bought a home.  At this time Orpha was born.

Levi went to the mountains and found Thorwald Peterson and Jerome.  They lived with him two years. Dora married Thorwald.  Levi took up a homestead two different places in the mountains.  Later, they moved to Clay Springs.  He and his wife built a dance hall here and bought a player piano for it.  Many good dances and parties were held here.  This building served many purposes it was used for Sunday School, church and school.  Their daughter, Orpha was seriously sick for 5 1/2 years but was healed.

Later, he and his wife, children Lillian, Andy and Orpha moved to the ranch west of Clay Springs where they farmed.  Here is where Levi died, May 21, 1930

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