Sunday, February 27, 2011

Robert and Mary Baldwin Plumb

Robert and Mary Baldwin Plumb

Compiled by Geneva Plumb Wiltbank
Posted by Kathryn Burton Castleton

Robert Plumb and Mary Baldwin were of Milford Connecticut. From the church and other records by H.B. Plumb 1889.  This is of course, believed to be the son of John of Wetherfield and Bradford.  He was one of the original settlers of Milford in 1639, Aug. 28th.  This would be five years before his father left Wethersfield for Branford. He is the oldest son that we know had a family.  Samuel was certainly younger than he was by four or five years.  John we only know as a jourman(?) in Wethersfield in 1641.  He must have been at least past the age of 21.  He was probably older than Robert who was of course, past 21 when he went to settle Milford in 1639.

A statement at Probate Court shows that "Mr. John Plumb, Sr." was dead in April, 1728.  Robert and Samuel were proposed Freemen at a court at Hartford, 3 May 1684.

John and Ruth, the widow, were Robert's second executors.  In his will he gives some of his land to his mother, (who was still alive) and some to his cousin, John Woodruff (nephews were then called cousins) and some to his sister, Mary and he sets his "servant Cubit" free, and gives him some "land for a livelihood."

Samuel left no issue so far as known, but he lived to be old enough to marry.  Did he marry?

Samuel has not been identified elsewhere, but deeds are found from him in 1694.  He probably lived many years afterward and has a family somewhere.

Joseph has not been identified elsewhere.  He probably died in infancy as no guardian was ever appointed for him, at least so far as the record shows.

Mary Plumb, the widow of Robert, married a second husband, William East March 16, 1676, and was alive in 1704 at the settlement of the estate of her son, Robert II.  She was at that time, more than 83 years old, and was probably again a widow.

Her father, Sylvester Baldwin died on the ship "Martin" during his passage to America.


  1. Hello, my name is Jane Plum Rosson. I thought you may be interested in the following information on Robert, John and Samuel Plumb.

    This is the entry for Robert Plumb in "The Ancestor Roster: A Cameo of the Ancestors of the Members of the Colonial Dames Seventeenth Century 1915-2005", Heckman Bindery: North Manchester, IN March 2005:

    PLUMB, Robert: He died 1655. He migrated to CT and married Mary Baldwin. He was an Early Citizen of Milford, CT. (Supp, #:16257, V. 51)

    *So, you could join the "Colonial Dames" if you have good documentation of your descent.

    John and Samuel are also listed:

    PLUMB, John: He died 1648. He migrated to CT and married Dorothy _?_. He was Representative to the CT Court-1641/43; Merchant; Town Clerk, and Deputy. (Mem.#: 29224; 29868) (Supp. #: 10131, V. 32; 13396, V. 36; 19377, V. 57; 26193, V. 78)

    PLUMB, Samuel: He died 1703. He lived in NJ/CT. He was Landowner, was Member of Committee on Town Business; and was commissioned to lay out highways. (Supp. #: 15229, V. 36; 13396 V.36; 19377, V. 57)

    I have only information on four generations of my family in VA. I'm hoping to trace them back to John or Robert. My grandfather, Walter dropped the "b". Before him were John Milton Plumb and John Plumb. Robert is a family name also.

    1. Thank you so much for this information. I hope you find your Plumb/Plum line:)
      I live in Utah. My mother, Mary Elizabeth Wiltbank was the daughter of Geneva Plumb Wiltbank who was the daughter of John Henry Plumb the son of Merlin, the son of Merlin, the son of Caleb, the son of Amariah, the son of Joseph, the son of John, the son of Robert Plumb. From Merlin Sr. to me, my ancestors are Mormons who crossed the plains and settled the West. It is so nice to hear from you.

    2. Jane, I was looking around and found some interesting things. Are you looking for information for Milton Plum born in 1855 and married to Mollie E. Powell? I have info on his ancestry. Just wondered if that was the same John Milton Plum you are speaking of. I have his ancestry back quite far.
