Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Patriarchal Blessing

John Henry Plumb at 90 years old.
Below:Caption written on the back of the picture
by his granddaughter, Mary Elizabeth Wiltbank Burton
Patriarchal Blessing of John Henry Plumb
Prepared by Geneva Julia Plumb
(Submitted to this blog by Kathryn Castleton)

Given by Moses Curtis Dec. 4th 1902, upon the head of John H. Plumb, born November 27, 1847, son of Merlin Plumb and Elizabeth Bellows.

John Henry Plumb, as a patriarch, I lay my hands upon your head to give you a patriarchal blessing.  You are (of the) from the blood of Ephraim and entitled to all the blessings (of) to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  The desire of thy heart is to please the Lord.  The adversary seeks to destroy you, but you shall have power to the end to overcome him, and shall be (bold) cold and have the privilege, with the help of you wife, for to do a great work with the Lamanites, and have power to lead them in the path of the Lord, and speak their language.

You shall have a place in the City of Zion, You shall live to do a great work on the earth and shall have a numerous posterity, and the crown that is laid up for you, you shall receive and you shall have a disposition to do that which is right before the Lord.

All these blessings and all former blessings as a patriarch I seal them upon your head.

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